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Ebook Conversions | March 13, 2019 by Julie Clements

Computer tablets are becoming cheaper nowadays. It is a great time to invest in a dedicated ebook reader. An ebook reader allows you to store thousands of books on a single SD Card, read books in the dark without an external light, and it is also easy to download ebooks and buy new titles. Professional document conversion companies offering ebook conversion services can convert traditional books, scientific, technical and medical (STM) books, reports, brochures, catalogs, white papers, or any other type of file or document into attractive eBooks.

On the other hand, reading on paper also has a number of benefits and also the nostalgia factor. The following are some of the major benefits of reading ebooks and traditional books.

  • E-Books are portable and take up less space – One of the significant benefits of e-books is that they take up less space. You don’t need any space, a library or a room to store them. It is possible to store hundreds and thousands of ebooks on your computer or reading device. Ebooks are portable. You can carry a whole library of hundreds of books with you, on CD, in a laptop, notebook or any ebook reader, without worrying about their weight.
  • Printed books are more tactile in nature – Traditional books are more tactile. These books provide a feel that is entirely different from holding an e-reader. Printed books allow you to feel and smell the aroma of the textured pages and hear the flipping of pages. They are very well-designed, look and smell good and last a really long time. Above all, there is something that comes with turning pages, smelling the paper, and seeing permanent words printed on the pages.
  • Reading on paper helps increase memory retention and focus – Several studies suggest that reading on paper rather than an electronic screen helps increase memory retention and focus. In a Norwegian study, one group of people was given a short story to read on an Amazon Kindle, while another group was given a paperback book. After both groups had completed reading the story, they were quizzed. The outcome was that, those who read the paperback were more likely to remember plot points in the right order.
  • Printed books are suitable for readers with sleep problems and eye strain – Ebook readers have strong backlights. These high levels of screen luminance from an electronic device can lead to visual fatigue, a condition marked by tired, itching and burning eyes. This exposure to artificial light causes a lot of doctors and sleep scientists to recommend regular books over their electronic versions.
  • E-books help individuals with poor eyesight or reading disorders – E-books are beneficial especially for individuals with poor eyesight or reading disorders like dyslexia, as almost all e-readers or tablets provide a range of options for changing the text size and spacing of lines, thereby making eBooks easier to read. A study was conducted in Landmark High School in Prides Crossing, MA (USA), incorporating 103 high school students with lifelong histories of reading struggle(dyslexia). The study team observed reading comprehension and speed of these 103 students and found that students were able to read more effectively and with greater ease with the e-reader than reading on paper.

In addition, the brightness levels can be adjusted on almost all tablets and e-readers. This helps alleviate the problem of screens being too bright at nighttime and also allows for easier reading in bright environments.

  • Ebooks allow you to easily search for any information, without having to turn page after page – Ebooks are searchable. These books have the ability to search through the whole book or possibly your entire library in seconds. It is possible to scroll the text with one finger, helping older readers to navigate through the texts with ease. E-books are also shareable. You can quickly email an e-book to yourself or a friend.
  • Ebooks can be synced with audiobooks – It is possible to sync e-books with audiobooks. This in turn allows you to enjoy your favorite volumes and stories in the car or while you are walking.
  • Ease of Publication – It may be free to publish information in digital formats, thereby avoiding the need to find an agent to secure a book deal with a publisher. Self-publishing a traditional book is not particularly cheap.

E-books and traditional books have their own advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, more and more people are opting to read e-books instead of paper books, as the advantages of ebooks outweigh the disadvantages. Partnering with a reliable document conversion company helps convert your books to ebooks.

Read our blog on Top eBook Formats in Use Today