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calibre’s user interface is designed to be as simple as possible. Large buttons in the main window take care of most of your needs. The vast number of calibre’s features and options is always clearly displayed under intuitive tabs. Its context menus are neatly sorted, so the things you’re looking for almost find themselves on their own. You’re never more than three clicks away from your goal. It’s the result of years of tweaking calibre’s interface based on users’ feedback. Plus, you can change many aspects of how calibre looks and feels and try one of the three built-in library views to browse your book collection using covers, titles, tags, authors, publishers, etc.

calibre not only can download all the metadata for an e-book (things like title, author, publisher, ISBN, tags, cover or summary) but will also allow you to edit or create metadata in existing or new fields. That way you can track which books you’ve read and which ones you liked. You can also take advantage of the advanced search and sorting functions that use tags, authors, comments and more. You will find the book you were looking for in seconds!