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best sites for ebooks

Bookworms! Are you looking for the next best read to get your hands on? Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

The Internet is absolutely loaded with resources for eBooks. Whether you enjoy immersing yourself in fantasy worlds or are just looking for a little self-help (and who isn’t these days?), these are the best eBook sites. We’ve done the research on your behalf so you can get to reading that much faster.

Best of the Free eBook Sites – Google eBookstore

Google ebookstore best ebook sites

Google owns the world (Including you and everything you say in your home. Alexa, are you listening?). So no surprise to find their eBookstore at the top of the list (we had no choice. Don’t hurt us, Google. PLEASE!).

First of all, there is a TON of content to choose from. Seriously – it took us close to an hour to just browse through everything here, and even then we were still running into more.

Google’s library is deeper and more thorough than any other free site. They make browsing through dozens of genres is as easy as a speedread through that cheesy romance novel you read on your Fridays alone (Wait, what?)..

Want to learn how to whip up gourmet Asian cuisine? No problem. Fancy yourself a detective story? Two clicks will have you diving head first into the latest mystery novel.

Google’s entire library is free. That’s not a misprint either – countless options completely free, no strings attached. Enjoy hundreds of different titles in literally any genre you can think of for nothing!

All the books here are listed in multiple formats, so the library isn’t limited to just Android users (take that Apple).

Best Paid eBook Site – Scribd

scribd best ebook sites

If you don’t mind forking over a little bit of dough, we can’t say enough about what we loved from Scribd.

Scribd offers a 30-day free trial of their service. This lets you can see what it’s all about for yourself before committing. You can cancel anytime, but we doubt you’ll want to.

What’s awesome about Scribd is that you’re not just limited to actual books. The site stocks all of the latest information from large publications. This includes the likes of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, so you’ll never miss a beat when it comes to current events.

Scribd’s Snapshots library was one of the most unique features we came across. Snapshots get to the point of non-fiction readings. It highlights the key points of the work and delivering them to you in digestible bites.

It’s really useful for figuring out which books are the best fit for you, or just grabbing some quick information on the go (Or making it seem like you’ve read the book to sound smarter than you really are).

We declared ourselves full-fledged meditation masters after a quick 10 minute reading, so you can expect the same results for yourself!

The Best of the Rest

Amazon Kindle Store

Amazon Kindle best ebook sites

The Kindle Store is basically a hybrid of both paid and free eBook resources – it’s the perfect choice for anyone who already loves forking over their hard earned money to Jeff Bezos.

Amazon’s eBook companion to its popular Kindle device is a real treasure trove of works. Best part is, you don’t even need an actual Kindle to take advantage of it. The Kindle App can be downloaded onto any device, so even the most stingy readers will be satisfied (we’re looking at you, Apple users).

A lot of the more popular titles have to be purchased, but the Kindle Unlimited program gives you access to them all in exchange for monthly membership. Amazon offers a three-month free trial, so you’ve got nothing to lose.

Think of Kindle Unlimited as the master key of eBooks. Members get access to over one million (!) titles across all devices, unlimited magazines, and a TON of audiobooks (Your morning commute will only be somewhat dull now!).

Amazon, unsurprisingly, is on our list of best ebook sites.


Kobo best ebook sites

If settling into a comfortable spot on a park bench or a cozy nook in a coffee shop with a good read is your thing, Kobo is the site for you. Kobo has a huge catalog of eBooks – there’s over 1.5 million titles, so even the pickiest readers will never have an excuse for not reading something.

When it comes to actually finding your favorite read, Kobo’s physical site is a fine spot to start. Their app, however, is optimized for iOS and Android and has some cool features the website doesn’t, like keeping your spot while reading, even if you switch devices.

One thing Kobo has that sets it apart from everyone else here is a top-shelf loyalty program for readers. Reward points are earned for every purchase you make, and can then be redeemed towards future reads. The VIP membership is where we saw the most value though – you’ll get double the points on purchases, exclusive promo offers, and a free eBook every year!


Overdrive best ebook sites

Did you ever think you’d use your library card ever again? We didn’t, until we found Overdrive. So dust off that old piece of plastic, because Overdrive gives you access to thousands of eBooks for FREE – as long as you’ve got a valid library card.

Sampling books has never been easier. You’ll never have to worry about downloading or deleting files with Libby. It allows one-touch book samples with the click of a button.

Who is Libby, you ask? Libby is the persona behind Overdrive’s app. She’s packed with powerful features that will make you fall in love with her. At least as much as you can fall in love with a virtual assistant (Let’s not even bring up that 2016 VA fling!). It’s 2019, who are we to judge?

Libby can port your eBooks to multiple devices to take them on the go. You can also easily keep track of all of your reading history. Positions, bookmarks, and notes are all kept in sync across devices too, so don’t worry about ever losing your place.

There are so many different catalogs to choose from. These are the best ebook sites and the one for you is based on your preferences. Still, you can’t go wrong with any of the options here!